Cooper Knows Best: Meet BNKR Stylist Cooper
The time has come to meet the second member of our BNKR online stylist team. Unexpected cool kid and CBKD head designer Cooper lends his styling talents and extensive, fashion knowledge to the BNKR team 9 till’ 5.
We get to know Cooper on the weekends…
I’m secretly obsessed with…
Small people walking giant dogs. Who’s walking who?
I’m listening to…
‘Jump Hi’ by Lion Babe & Childish Gambino
S T Y L E T I P # 1

S T Y L E T I P # 2

Three items currently on my desk…
A postcard from Japan, ivy in a vase and an art print of some art nouveau flowers (my desk at home is much more lavish).
Ultimate travel destination…
Shibuya, Tokyo.

S T Y L E T I P # 3

S T Y L E T I P # 4

Would you rather be the secret love child of Obama and Beyonce or Will Smith and Mariah Carey?
Will Smith and Mariah Carey… because the Smith kids have wild style.

Chat to Cooper + shop his style now.